Light Tree Healing & Breathing
Is a place where you will find Safe Space for the body to receive healing and breathing in the comfort and safety of your own home.
Welcome! I’m Dipali, I am a certified ‘One Breath Institute’ facilitator, offering healing and breathwork sessions. With intention and guidance, to find answers in the body through your own experience to sit with whatever may arrive present in the moment.
Studies have shown breathwork can help reduce stress and anxiety, which we face on an immense scale now as a society, on a global platform. Breathwork is very effective and quick, at providing lasting solutions.
In today’s world our breath is not what it used to be. Modern air is poor quality due to intrusions from farming, pollution, disposal of waste.
The conscious connective breath was born as a result of some breathwork pioneers coming together. It has been found to restore our brain, internal organs, and release locked trauma.
It is one of the most potent tools to handle depression and anxiety. Focusing on physical and mental strength.
It is the invitation of awareness that the breath is present in every moment of the physical body, the answer to all things.
I provide the following services:

What brings you here?
Where does the breath want to go in your body?
Find that place and say I love you.
Is there a place where your attention revolves. Go there, acknowledge this, and move on?
Are there any emotions that seem to be on replay?
Do you feel them alot?
The Amazing Benefits of Healing Breathwork
Modern society has created diseases as a result of poor breathing structures. anybody can become a good breather, sitting eight hours a day at a desk can inhibit your ability to breathe. breathing should incorporate subtle connections with the body.
The body is always sending messages, yet we don’t give permission to stop and listen and pay attention to the body. the body has innate intelligence, any stuckness of energy can be changed. It can look like movement, sound and presence to acknowledge and allow shifts and changes to take place.
In this multifaceted heaving technocratic society, we have lost sacred Space. We need to listen, realign and reset the space within. Breathing is healing, and a breath session with me is exactly that.
Welcome, I’m Dipali
I am a fully qualified and trained healer. I trained locally with an established healers association in 2015, I trained intensively for six months. My training was cut short, my teachers felt that the group was very gifted, it was designed to last for two years. I have delivered healing for the last ten years of my life.
I followed up my training by attending and pursuing more of my own healing, I have attended many week long advanced healing workshops, with a renowned neuroscientist and learned how to deliver online remote coherence healings 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2022.
In 2023 I qualified as an Introspective Breathwork™ facilitator. I trained for nine months. I have worked with groups and done many one to one sessions online and in person as part of my training in 2023.
My Story
My own challenges have landed me here in the guise of a facilitator and healer. I have faced the dark night of the soul. In that I surrendered to my inner wisdom to be shown that there are ways to help myself, and now I wish to extend that to others who are searching and may not have landed with answers.
I had pain, suffering and my life headed into stealth mode. I decided to look for answers, this took me down many rabbit holes, in short pain, suffering and trauma became my greatest teacher. Know this when you come up against such times, in review you can see the darkness actually propelled you to the truth, seeking resolution, and resolve, answers that your heart delivered in response to that which was waiting to be received.
Through pain I looked for a cure, through suffering, I let go of fear. I learned to operate from a system, which was dormant. I have learned to generate electricity to a magnitude that goes beyond our intelligence, that reaches our universe and beyond.
How I Work
It’s my job to heal you in a Healing/Breathwork session with intention, and guidance to find answers in the body through your own experience to sit with whatever may arrive present in the moment.
I will support you, instruct and guide you to connect through the breath to the sacred connection of the body where you can self heal. You are always in control of the breath, therefore you have control over your body. We can elicit bad habits from not breathing correctly. Breathwork helps you reset the natural habit so you don’t think about the process, you just intentionally breathe the breath of life into the body. Allow the alchemy of breath medicine to facilitate what is needed in the present moment.
I’ve experienced such care and attention in the breathwork sessions with Dipali, her voice is kind, her visions, downloads and messages are a true gift.
Dipali is genuinely a concerned practitioner. I appreciate how Dipali continues training and developing on new healing methods.
I experience anxiety and trauma symptoms, so easing into this supportive space just didn’t happen for me right away. I was able to rest deeper while taking time for myself in breathwork sessions more comfortably knowing her intentions are simply to support my healing and share her gifts!
I have a lot of love and care for Dipali, thank you for all my sessions!
I had a beautiful breathwork session with Dipali. We first talked about what I would like to focus on and I chose ‘gratitude’.
Dipali was extremely professional and calming during the breathwork session and I felt in very safe hands.
She explained exactly what I needed to do and how she was working with me.
I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Dipali and her healing and breathwork sessions.
She is a very capable and caring person and obviously knows her stuff.
I felt very connected to my inner self and to all that I am grateful for in my life.
My session with Dipali allowed me to connect deeply with my higher self in a profoundly meaningful way. As I tuned into my inner wisdom, I gained powerful insights about beliefs that had been holding me back from fully appreciating myself.
I was especially moved by the realisation of the gift of having a physical body to also have a spiritual experience. This stirred tremendous gratitude within me, which eased feelings of shame and criticism I had unnecessarily directed towards my body.
Dipali created a safe space for me to have this experience at my own pace, without any pressure to share before I was ready. I appreciated that she let my process unfold organically rather than rushing me.
The One Breath Institute is accredited by:

““We may not be responsible for the world that created our minds, but we can take responsibility for the mind with which we create our world”"
Dr Gabor Mate
Access My Free Audio Recordings
Ancestral Healing
Radiating Love
Important Information About Me & My Sessions
Are There Any Contraindications For Your Sessions?
The Light Tree Healing and Breathing is not a medical practice. The facilitator is not medically trained. If you suffer from any serious conditions you should check with your medical practitioner prior to the breathing session. The breath style used is not advised for:
1 Cardiovascular disease/ heart conditions
2 Detached retina or glaucoma
3 Diagnosed brain or abdomen aneurysm
4 Epilepsy
5 Diagnosed by polar or schizophrenia
6 Uncontrolled diabetes or Thyroid condition
7 High blood pressure
8 Delicate pregnancy
9 Recent surgery or injury
Likewise, if you are on any heavy medications you are advised to seek medical council prior to joining a session. It is not recommended to do breathing sessions if you are extremely poorly especially with breathing difficulties.
How Will Breathwork Help Me?
Breathwork is a tool to reset your bodily systems to homeostasis.
Why do I need more than one session?
Breathwork is an ongoing process, changing our needs as we change. To discover more to connect to whatever may become present to work on.
Is there anything I need to do?
Try to establish a practice based on our session, journal, commit to self care everyday, to witness transformation.
All details will be discussed in a twenty minute connection call.
How Do Your Remote Healing Sessions Work?
My remote healing sessions begin with a connection call where we discuss what you hope to get out of the session and agree on a set time. I ask that you to send me a current photo of yourself which assists me in connecting with your energy.
During our session via Zoom, I spend around 40 minutes connecting with you in the quantum field to scan your energy and clear any blocks if I discover anything in the field I will alter the pattern.
After the session I will make sure you feel grounded and present in your body. I then type up a report detailing what I discovered during the healing and any messages that want to come through. We then schedule a follow up call to discuss my findings and recommendations.
My goal is for you to feel safe, heard, and empowered by new insights into your energy. Please let me know if you have any other questions!
What Is Your Experience / Qualifications?
I am a fully qualified and trained healer. I trained locally with an established healers association in 2015, I trained intensively for six months. My training was cut short, my teachers felt that the group was very gifted, it was designed to last for two years. I have delivered healing for the last ten years of my life.
I followed up my training by attending and pursuing more of my own healing , I have attended many week long advanced healing workshops, with a renowned neuroscientist and learned how to deliver online remote coherence healings: 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2022.
In 2023 I qualified as an Introspective Breathwork™ facilitator. I trained for nine months. I have worked with groups and done many one to one sessions online and in person as part of my training in 2023.
I am an advanced healer, I have joined many many healings, received and delivered coherence healings. Coherence healing is when a person or persons set the intention to healing another person, in the quantum field. Opening the heart or fourth energy center, in sync with the brain to deliver the intention of healing to the person being healed.
Why do we believe this is possible? An invisible field of energy creates matter. This is the principle of countless that have received healing and have been healed. There are many efficacy researches being conducted as a result of this phenomena.
You are here to unleash your gifts to humanity.
What Can I Expect In Your Sessions?
All healings I offer are one to one sessions via zoom online. They usually last for about one hour.
In this session you can expect to release limiting beliefs, heal blocked energy centers, heal and raise energy vibrational frequencies. It can be an introduction to mediation if this is a first time for you. It is a gateway to connect to the true Self.
It is the place to heal the mental, energetic, emotional bodies. After our session you may feel a timeline shift in your energy, connection with the heart can also lead to deep inner child work. I use patterns in the field to amplify and correct energy disturbances and imbalances. It is subtle yet effective practice, in the comfort of your own home.